Yesterday I drove up to Glendale, AZ for Saboten Con 2014.
Saboten Con is advertised as a Japanese Pop-Culture Convention...and I believe itz connected to Monkey Paw, the same folks who host Arizona's Comicon.
(And btw...according to wikipedia...saboten is Japanese for cactus...cute eh? : )
Anyway...I figured there would be lotza costumed folks...and lotza photo opportunities...and I was NOT disappointed.
They had a DJ set up in the main lobby and so people were dancing and having a good time everywhere you looked.
A couple who I decided must have been staying at the Renaissance Hotel where Saboten Con was held...saw my camera and asked what was going on...and if they could take pictures too.
I told them a bit about the convention....and said that I'd taken many pics...but had asked every time I took a close-up...and everyone had been very friendly and I'd never been told no once.
They seemed to be really enjoying the scene...and were a bit awe-struck by it all at the same time.
Anywho...I'll attach a few of the best photos I snapped. Hope you enjoy 'em! : )
>> Click on most of the pics to see them in a larger view

Well...that's it...hope you enjoyed our little tour of Saboten Con 2014.
Thanks fer schtoppin' by!
Ciao fer now..............
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