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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jephyr Posts Even "Mo" Sketchbook Drawings


As I wrote in my last post, recently I got around to scanning sketches from last year's sketchbook

I'll post a some of them today (along with a couple from this year) and add a few comments:

Jephyr Art - Sketchbook - Pencil Drawing - "Zeb"

I call this handsome fellow "Zeb".  :)

This guy captures "something" I wish I could put in everyone of my drawings.  There's just something I like about his expression, his eyes, his face, and the shape of his head.

If only I could make this happen every time! 


Jephyr Art - Sketchbook - Pencil Drawing "inked" in Photoshop I hear you saying (or is that the voices in my head), "Wait a minute friendo...this ain't no gosh derned sketchbook drawing!!"

And you'd be right of course.  It's included here because it began its life as a pencil sketch in my 2013 sketchbook.

I was very happy with the way the drawing looked...but when I scanned it in to the computer it didn't look as good.

So I took that scan into Photoshop and scattered some "pixel dust" on it...and done made me this digital version of it.

Anywho...this image is kinda "dark" it fits in with some of the ideas I have for a graphic novel.  (read more in my December 29, 2012 blog entry)

I've also been having a GREAT time digitally "painting" this drawing in Photoshop.  Hopefully I can share the finished version of that with you soon too!


Otherwise, I continue my love affair with "wacky" cartoony faces. 

They are so much fun to draw!

Here are three from last fall and one from earlier this month.

Jephyr Art - Sketchbook - Pencil Drawing - "Joan"

Jephyr Art - Sketchbook - Pencil Drawing - "Merle"

Jephyr Art - Sketchbook - Pencil Drawing - "Bo Dean"

Jephyr Art - Sketchbook - Pencil Drawing - "Trevor Lee"

^^^   A quick story about this last image.   ^^^^

I was on the West side of Phoenix and was looking for a place to stop and have a bite and draw for a bit.

I passed a Chinese Cafe that looked promising...and saw a guy just leaving it.

So I rolled down my window to ask him if he'd recommend it.

Normally I wouldn't add details about his race because usually this is not important.  But in this case I hope you don't mind me sharing:  He was a black man.

But when he aswered my was immediately evident that he had a VERY strong Chinese accent. 

Perhaps I might not be faulted to have been surprised because, other than American tourists and athletes etc, I've never seen a black person in all the photos and videos I've ever seen of China.

Statistically I've since discovered that there are only around 0.7% blacks living in China...a hair more than 1 in 143 people.

Later, it became apparent he'd made an impression on my subconscious too...because when I sat down to draw I began to realize this drawing looked like a very cartoony, caricature of him.

Drawing a likeness of someone without intending to do so happens to me on occasion....and I always enjoy when it does.

UPDATE:  Recently I was eating in a Chinese restaurant and started sketching after I was done.

One of the servers and I started talking and she said her family had immigtrated from China (unfortunately...I can't recall the city now).

Anyway...I related the story about the the guy with the chinese accent above...and she confirmed that blacks in China are very rare.

She said that other than in American films she'd never seen a black person until she came to America. 
  She said that you'd probably only find black living in major cities in China...or Hong Kong.

We talked for a while and I found our conversation very interesting.

I often find that drawing in public opens doors to getting to know people.

Well...that's all for now.  As always I thank you for stopping by my little corner of the web.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jephyr Posts Recent Sketchbook Drawings


I've finally found some time...just before school starts go through my sketchbook from last year and scan some sketches.

I'll post a few today...and say a word or two about them as well.

Let's get started with this guy:

Sadly, during the first half of 2012...I'd let some loser "critic" get in my head and hadn't been drawing as much as I usually do.

I know I shouldn't let that happen...but have been reminding myself we all do this from time to time.

From reading many biographies of well regarded and famous artists...I know they also allowed these pathetic "chiggers" of humanity get under their skin on occasion too.

So...I figured I had a lot of good company...finally brushed it off...and got back to drawing.

I sketched this guy sometime early last fall.

I felt very stiff and rusty...but it was good to start drawing on a regular basis again!!

As you can see ^^^^ I still haven't gotten these hulking brutes outa my system.  I hope to put them to good use in a graphic novel that's germinatin' in my mind.  (see my December 29,2012 post about it)
This time our brute, "Grak", has discovered a life-form...but was a bit too rough with the poor little guy. 

Reminds me of my childhood days as an amateur entomologist...and the carnage of insect carcases left in the wake behind me.
Jephyr Art - Sketchbook - Cartoon / Caricature - Halloween Dood - de'Viladeux
Around Halloween of 2012...this guy just mysteriously appeared in my sketchbook!  :) 
But seriously...I'd just bought a book on caricature by Mad Magazine's Tom Richmond...and was inspired by the way he draws wacky teeth on some of his characters.

(Amazon:  The Mad Art Of Caricature - Tom Richmond)

So...with that...and Halloween in the air...I done draw'ed me this guy!  :)
Jephyr Art - Sketchbook Drawings  (a fantasy horse and warrior poses)
I'm working on my stretching my "imagination"...something I feel I always need to think about when it comes to my artwork. 

This horse came outa my pencil one day last fall as I just let the drawing "happen".
The thumbnail sketches of the warrior were some ideas for poses I had in mind for illustrating the Bible reference to "put on the whole armor of God". (Ephesians 6:10-17)

Speaking of trying to stretch my imagination...I'll share this final sketch.

Last summer I was sitting in a restaurant and noticing how many of us Americans have gotten fat. 

I was also thinking about how many chemicals are added to our foods and all the genetic manipulation of our food crops, chicken and cattle etc.

This sketch of a fat astronaut with three legs was the result.

I call it:   "NASA / McDonald's / Monsanto 2018 Mission To Mars"  :)


Well...that'll do it for today...hopefully I can post more of my sketchbook scans soon.

Thanks as always for stopping by!


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