Copyright Notice

All images, photos, and video excluding advertising and google generated content, or unless otherwise labeled, are Copyright Jephyr (Jeff Curtis). All Rights Reserved.

These images are not in the public domain. Contact me for licensing terms and pricing.

Unauthorized or unlicensed use for all commercial and personal applications is prohibited.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Newest Sketches - Character Designs


Thought I'd share a new group of pencil sketches from my sketchbook

Theophilous - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
Theophilous - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^ I originally created the good looking dood above one night while drawing with a friend.

I really liked his look and the next day went to put some finishing touches on him and blewy'd my coffee all over the page.

: )

Since I liked his design so much I decided to just re-draw him all clean and purty-like above.

Here's a look at the coffee stained version.  : P

Theophilous (Coffee Blewy) - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
Theophilous (Coffee Blewy) - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved


Until I rejoined the Concept Art Forum I hadn't been doing many figures—just mostly wacky portraits of original characters—and also people and animals.

Someone pointed that out on CA—and so I've gotten to work doing more figures.

Bonesman - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
Bonesman - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^ I drew this long and lean dood one day and as I was finishing him up I added the bone in his hand—and then the words across the top.

This doesn't happen often—but suddenly a back-story filled my mind:  He was an ordinary guy in the post diluvian world.  One day he happened upon some LARGE humanoid bones that he thought either belonged to an alien, demigod or nephilim.

The story will eventually reveal that the bones are indeed from ALL three—but I don't want to give away all those details just yet.

When he picked up a bone he discovered that it was infused with powers that allowed him super-human strength, the ability to fly—and magically to transport himself across vast distances in a moment—among others.

In essence—he becomes a superhero through possessing and handling them.

The bones—which he kept and hid away—also give him long life—and so he found himself outliving many generations until he finds himself in the present day.

(I also like the "Bonesman" connection to the secret society—Skull and Bones—that so many of our politicians and business shakers belong to)

I wanted to post this story here—both to share it—but also remind myself about it so I won't forget my ideas so far.

In addition I want to lay claim to it before anyone else thinks of it—and this serves as my first copyright notice about the "Bonesman" tale.

"Timmy" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
"Timmy" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^ I finished this big ole brute last year—but don't think I've ever posted this final version—so will with this group of sketches.

His name is "Timmy."  : )

"Giddyup" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
"Giddyup" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^  The sketch above started out LONG ago too.  I liked the original idea but was unhappy with some of it.

So I decided to re-draw it and just finished the pic above in the last day or so.

Originally it had a "cowboy, bull-rider" type guy on the back—and as I thought about it one day—the image of  a beautiful woman riding it and having the time of her life—popped into my head.

It definitely "lightened" the mood of the pic and I'm pretty happy over-all with the way this one turned out.

"Kharztan" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
"Kharztan" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^  So in spite of what I said about portraits above—I still love creating them.

I noticed this older one from last fall in my sketchbook recently—and just put some final touches on him so I could share him today.

It just occurred to me too—that he and many other characters I've created could wind up in the Bonesman" story.

"The Meeting" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
"The Meeting" - Copyright - 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^ I'm not completely satisfied with the one above—but there are some elements about it I liked—so I'll go ahead and share it.

As I wrote in my last post here—I'm trying to infuse my art with "story"—so that looking at a single image will evoke the viewer to see more than just the picture itself.

If you've seen much of my other work—you'll know I also try to put a bit a humor in many images—and for me this does both.


Thanks as always for stopping by.

See you again soon.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

New Painting: "Enlightenment"


On May 1, I created a blog entry here that rejoining Concept Art Sketchbook Forum had led me to go through some of my old "works in progress."

(See my new CA "Sketchbook" here: )

Anywho—I found a WIP sketch that I'd already done some work on—and decided to make that the next project—and hopefully get it finished at long last.

Working on it brought more than a few times of frustration—but thankfully, there were also a LOT of times when I felt Blessed by BIG "a-ha" moments of inspiration too!

I've been wanting to be able to infuse my work with "story"—so that it just isn't an interesting image to look at—but causes a viewer to fill in their own narrative about it too.

Of course—I have my own ideas about that for my image below—that I hope some will be led to see too.

So with all that in mind I'll present my final painting: "Enlightenment."

Digital Painting: "Enlightenment" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
Digital Painting: "Enlightenment" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved


And here's the original sketch and an early draft

"Enlightenment" - Original Sketch And Early WIP - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
"Enlightenment" - Original Sketch And Early W.I.P. - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
 Thanks as always for stopping by...and if you're the last one out could you make sure to turn off the lights?


 : )

See you again soon!


See other Jephyr! digital paintings—as well as links to other artwork at

Monday, May 8, 2017

New Sketches


Looks like re-joining Concept art has been a good thing.

You can see my "Sketchbook" thread here:

It's given me a new place to share my efforts — and seeing all the other amazing art there has proven to inspiring to say the least.

Today I'll share some sketches that were posted on CA but haven't posted here yet.

^ ^ ^ This first one is more or less inspired by the amazing late artist Frank Frazetta.

A while ago I used to do a lot of figure / anatomy work...and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that the more time passed the more I was feeling a bit intimidated to try it again.

Someone on CA pointed out that I'd shown several "portraits" but no figures and that was enough of a prod to get me to try it again.

I discovered it's like most things in this life — sometimes we build things up in our minds and when we finally try it we discover it wasn't as difficult as we imagined.

While working on the guy above I did use a number of references to get him laid out correctly — and found myself really enjoying the entire process.

"Happy Girl" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
"Happy Girl" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^ I used to sketch a bunch of these happy, BIG, dancin' womenz — and as I was trying to get back to creating more figure work this one "popped out" fairly easily.

I finished her body in a single sitting but needed a second go around to get her hair "feeling" right.

"Quack" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

^ ^ ^ I called this buff rooster type character "Quack" — just because.  (Yeah — I know I have a strange sense of humor sometimes : )

I've been going out again to sketch and worked him one day at a nearby restaurant. 

As I've said before — Sometimes I can go out and sketch for hours and not a soul seems interested.

Some days — I have a steady stream of people who want to see what I'm up to — and want to talk about art — why I do it — if I have any schooling — etc.

On the day I was sketching the "foul" creature above — a woman with a son about my age sat beside me and we talked quite a bit.  Another woman came over to me and was very encouraging and complimentary about what I was doing — and told me all about her daughter — who is also an artist. 

I also noticed my waiter sneaking looks at my work and at one point he apologized for being "nosy" — which I assured him he was NOT!  : )

It was an enjoyable time.

"Far Out Man" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
"Far Out Man" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

 OK — what can I say — I still love drawing these wacky cartoon faces. 

I think this one has a kind of whacked-out, paranoid "stoner" vibe — and he was fun to draw.

I do agree with the peeps on CA though — that we can get complacent and draw just what comes easy — and stop challenging ourselves as artists — and these silly character faces I've been doing fall into that category.

So — already I've gotten a good benefit from re-joining CA.


Any-whoodle — thanks for stopping by!

See you again soon!

God Bless!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Work In Progress


So as I mentioned in my last post here I've gotten active on the Concept Art Sketchbook Forum again and created a new thread to share my artwork.

See My Concept Art Sketchbook Here

It's been a good move because it's giving me a new place to share my work and that has inspired me to work a bit harder of late.

I looked through my works in progress (and I have a BUNCH!) and found an old character design concept that I'd been working on for a while and then moved on from.

In the last couple of days I've made some good progress on it and remembered I'd never shared some of the early drafts of it.

With that in mind I'll share the rough initial sketch and then a later version as I was working out some of the shadowing.

Character Design Concepts: Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved
Character Design Concepts: Copyright 2017 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved

I want to keep this mysterious looking and dark and it is proving challenging to paint it and get the effect I want — but I've been plugging away at it and hope to have it completed soon — and when I do I'll share that here too.

Anyway — thanks as always for looking in.

Ciao fer now!


Monday, May 1, 2017

New Digital Painting: Alvin The Barbarian!


A few years ago I used to be very active on the Concept Art Forum - mostly in their "Sketchbook" section.

CA allows artists to create an individual "threads" that feature their artwork - and as the name of this section implies - the art that people post are things that they are working on - sketches or paintings in a rough format - although you do see a lot of finished pieces there too.

My old CA Sketchbook had grown to some 12 or 13 pages and over a few years I'd shared maybe 100 images or more of mine - had developed some friendships - and had received a lot of encouraging feedback and advice from other artists.

Then for various reasons I completely stopped posting anything on CA - although I would look in on the forum from time to time.

One day I went looking for my "sketchbook" and when I found it was sad to see that almost all of the images I had shared were no longer there.

At first I figured I that meant I'd just be done with that CA - but about three weeks ago I suddenly decided to create a brand new sketchbook thread, and have posted my artwork several times since then.

The forum used to be very busy but it looks like things have slowed way down and so I've only gotten one reply - but CA's statistics show me that the first image I posted has already been viewed 578 times.

So I'm happy to have another place to share my art and already am finding it inspiring.

With all that in mind I'll share my latest digital painting based on a copyright free photo I'd found of a squirrel and created specifically to share first on CA.

"Alvin The Barbarian" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr! - All Rights Reserved
"Alvin The Barbarian" - Copyright 2017 - Jephyr! - All Rights Reserved

If you've followed me at all you know I'm very influenced by the late Frank Frazetta - so as I worked on painting somewhat of a straight likeness of the squirrel it slowly morphed into an 'ommage of Frank's style - with a healthy dash of my own tilted sense of humor.

Anyway I'll post the original photo, my digital painting of the squirrel up to the post I got bored and started adding some fantasy elements as well.

Hope you've enjoyed seeing my latest efforts.

: )

A Look At The Original Photo Reference I Used For My New Painting
A Look At The Original Photo Reference I Used For My New Painting

My Initial Digital Painting Of The Squirrel BEFORE I started Adding Some Fantasy Elements To It
My Initial Digital Painting Of The Squirrel BEFORE I started Adding Some Fantasy Elements To It


Thanks as always for stopping by!

See you again soon!


See other Jephyr! digital paintings—as well as links to other artwork at